FACT: Women cannot blink during foreplay, there’s no time. So forget the chocolates and perfume. Get 4PLAY and take it up a notch. You wouldn't drive yourcar in winter without first warming the engine. You wouldn't eat your dessert without finishing your supper. Women prefer 30 - 45 minutes of foreplay. Men prefer 30 - 45 seconds of foreplay. (Guys
consider driving back to her place as part of foreplay.) Ladies, you've got to train your man to give you what you want and now you have help - with 4PLAY. Before you let him get into it, put on a little Otis Redding, light a candle or two and give him a couple 4PLAY Pills. Let him know that it's not a race and there's definitely no prize for finishing first! Show him that there's no love like slow love. With 4PLAY he'll stay in first gear for a looooong time. Halt the stampede to the G spot! and enjoy a slow sensuous foreplay Halt the stampede to the G spot! and enjoy a slow sensuous foreplay